dreamy clean cars

I have had few new vehicles over the years.  I am sure they were loved by another family before we entered the picture. Each new vehicle comes with the desire to keep it clean and never let anyone ever leave a mess in it. Hah! After a valiant effort the family eventually breaks in the new vehicle and it takes a life of its own.

Every time I clean my vehicle I have a renewed goal to keep it from getting messy, and then my kids are added to the mix. Children seem to bring their whole bedroom or toy box with them whenever they go somewhere. My silly goose refuses to leave the house without her lunch packed. She has a snack for everywhere we go-along with whatever toys she wants to carry with her. The downside of that is the mess it eventually creates. The upside is that she has brought her own entertainment for waiting rooms.

Then there are the shoes and socks. I cannot tell you how many shoes and socks I find in the vehicle every single time I clean it out. Most mornings the buttercup of the family looks frantically for her shoes and most times they are in the car.

I know I am not alone with this kind of battle. Many families face the same struggle every day. It does not mean they are not ever clean. They probably have the same goal every time they clean the car too: to see how long it will last. My last attempt lasted only two minutes. The moment we got home from vacuuming it out my silly goose dropped her snack (the one I completely forgot she was holding).

strawberries (1 of 23)

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